Forest Lake Blvd Flood Risk Reduction
>>Construction has started!
Find more information below under ‘Construction Updates’
The Forest Lake project is a stormwater improvement project funded by the City of Lincoln’s 2019 Stormwater Bond. The purpose of the project is to reduce flood risk in a southeast Lincoln neighborhood.
During heavy rain events, stormwater overtops Forest Lake Blvd, just west of S 70th St, making the road impassable. Localized flooding also causes excessive sedimentation and erosion in the stream, putting nearby homes at risk of property damage.

Construction Updates
October 11, 2022
Forest Lake Blvd. is open!
- Forest Lake Blvd. reopened to traffic this week.
- As construction continues, closure of S. 67th St. is anticipated to start at the beginning of next week.
August 15, 2022
Forest Lake Blvd. closure extended.
- Forest Lake Blvd. will remain closed to accommodate construction.
- Unanticipated delays are due in-part to utility relocation(s).
- Total closure is now anticipated to last until installation of a retaining wall is complete, weather permitting.
June 30, 2022
Forest Lake Blvd. closure extended due to weather.
- Forest Lake Blvd. will remain closed to accommodate construction.
- Total closure is now anticipated to last until approximately early August, weather permitting.
June 30, 2022
Forest Lake Blvd. closure extended due to weather.
- Forest Lake Blvd. will remain closed to accommodate construction.
- Total closure is now anticipated to last until approximately early August, weather permitting.
May 2, 2022
Construction update and reminder.
- Water main work is now complete and storm sewer work has started.
- Please be mindful of construction and limit lawn watering.
>>Additional water draining into the channel requires added crew hours to pump and remove.
>>Consider reducing your underground sprinkler usage and/or other outdoor watering.
April 25, 2022
Forest Lake Blvd. closure extended two weeks.
- Beginning March 15th, Forest Lake Blvd. closed to accommodate construction.
- Total closure is now anticipated to last until approximately June 1.
March 14, 2022
Forest Lake Blvd. closing tomorrow.
- Beginning March 15th, Forest Lake Blvd. will be closed to accommodate construction.
- Total closure is anticipated to last approximately two months.
March 8, 2022
Starting today, no construction activities planned.
- Work will resume as weather allows.
February 22, 2022-Updated
Work along S. 67th St. scheduled to begin soon.
- Crews will begin installation of the new water main along with other construction activities.
- Temporary lane closures may be required but no road closures are anticipated at this time.
February 7, 2022
Temporary water outages scheduled this week.
- Crews will begin excavation work for water main valve installation along Forest Lake Blvd.
- Temporary water shutdowns are scheduled for February 8 and 9 (tentative).
- Excavation work may require placing dirt on the roadway, please use caution near construction activities.
January 31, 2022
Temporary water outages anticipated to begin this week.
- Crews will begin reconstruction work to water mains, work will require temporary water outages.
- Notification of outages will be made, in advance, by the City of Lincoln Water System.
- Temporary lane and/or road closures may also be required.
January 21, 2022
Additional tree removal anticipated.
- Crews will be out removing two additional trees in the area of Colonial Hills Park along S. 67th St.
December 27, 2021
No construction this week.
- Crews will not be on site December 27-31, work will resume January 2022.
December 6, 2021
Construction begins this week!
- Crews will be out removing trees and vegetation in the project area, including in and near the channel.
>>Trees marked with a green ‘X’ are scheduled for removal.
>>Trees marked with a pink ribbon are not scheduled for removal.
- Concrete sawing along Forest Lake Blvd and S. 67th St. may also begin, temporary lane closures may be required.
- No road closures or concrete removal anticipated through the end of December.
- Use caution near construction activities.
- Watch for machinery entering and exiting construction areas.
- Remind children about the importance of safety in construction areas.
Project Details
The project area is south of Holmes Lake and includes the smaller of two streams that feed into Holmes Lake. This stream borders two homeowner associations, each of which have residents at risk of flooding during significant rain events.
Planned Improvements are expected to increase capacity and improve the conveyance of stormwater at the two stream crossings, reducing the risk of flood and potential property damage in the area. Portions of the stream’s banks will also be stabilized to help prevent future erosion.
July 2021 Public Open House
A public open house was held Tuesday, July 13 from 5-7 p.m. to share detailed information about the planned improvements.
Click here to see the meeting’s poster boards.
Click here to see the meeting handout.

A History of Flooding
The project area has experienced flooding for at least a decade.
Two adjacent homeowner associations asked the City of Lincoln to work with them to help resolve the long-standing issue.
JEO Consulting Group completed a stormwater evaluation that sought to identify the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed improvements to culverts and the channel in the area.
(1) The culvert at Forest Lake Blvd has insufficient capacity to convey significant rain events without water overtopping the road.
(2) The configuration of the Forest Lake Blvd culvert has resulted in an excessive accumulation of sediment above, in, and below the culvert.
Lincoln residents voted to support a $9.9 million stormwater improvements bond that would fund, among other projects, the needed improvements at Forest Lake Blvd and S. 67th Street. The adjacent homeowner associations also contributed funds to be put toward stream improvements.